Think Outside The Stocks

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Women in Investing Movement: Just say YES! – with Catherine Bell
So excited to release this episode on Women’s day, with one of the real estate world’s women powerhouse. In this episode, Madhavi converses with Catherine Bell about her journey into the real estate world, discusses the value of money and how it helps influence the world and talks about a woman’s role and how she can fulfill herself in business.

About Catherine

Catherine has mentored thousands of people in North America. As a Radio Show Host, Founder, CEO, and Managing Director of a Real Estate Investment Hedge Fund, an owner of a Investment bank, a Buy & Hold investor, an AirBnB investor, a Fix & Flip investor, a Builder/Developer, a Mobile Home Park Investor, and a Private Money Lender she has successfully completed hundreds of investment deals with her “raving fans” (aka investors). She is best known as a coach who creates systems and structures that lead teams to more profitable outcomes by shortening timelines and adding commas to bank accounts.

Catherine is the founder of the nonprofit Bell Community Empowerment Foundation. Her lifelong mission is to educate, empower and inspire families to adopt all children in the foster care system. She is the mother of two teenagers who were adopted from foster care and considers it the most rewarding aspect of her life.

Importance and Influence of Money

Exploration of the significance of money in personal and professional life, from financial stability to empowerment.

Real Estate Journey

Personal narrative detailing the journey and experiences in the real estate industry, including challenges, successes, and lessons learned.

Guidance for Women

Insights and advice tailored specifically for women navigating the realms of finance, entrepreneurship, and real estate investment.

Ways to Help Children in Foster Care

Discussion on practical ways individuals can contribute to supporting children in the foster care system, emphasizing community involvement and advocacy.

Thinking Outside the Stocks

Encouragement and exploration of alternative investment strategies beyond traditional stock market options, fostering a mindset of innovation and diversification.

Connect with Madhavi

How to Connect with Catherine

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