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Mastering Land Development and Construction: Secrets to Success with Charles Covey
Multifamily is one of the most popular asset classes in commercial real estate. Apartments are said to be one of the easiest product types to understand without the complexities of long-term leases that can come with office, retail, and industrial properties. But what does the underwriting process look like, and how do you actually determine what a multifamily property is worth? In this episode, we talk all about multifamily underwriting with Author, Speaker, and Founder of Lone Star Capital, Rob Beardsley.

Who is Charles?

Rob Beardsley oversees acquisitions and capital markets for Lone Star Capital and has acquired over $350M of multifamily properties. He has evaluated thousands of opportunities using proprietary underwriting models and published the number one book on multifamily underwriting, The Definitive Guide to Underwriting Multifamily Acquisitions. He has written over 50 articles about underwriting, deal structures, and capital markets and hosts the Capital Spotlight podcast, which is focused on interviewing institutional investors.
He has evaluated thousands of opportunities using proprietary underwriting models and published the number one book on multifamily underwriting, The Definitive Guide to Underwriting Multifamily Acquisitions. He has written over 50 articles about underwriting, deal structures, and capital markets and hosts the Capital Spotlight podcast, which is focused on interviewing institutional investors.

Charles’ Fun Facts

Engaging and interesting facts about Charles to personalize the discussion.

Overview of Land Development

land development and construction processes Charles specializes in.

Understanding Risks

entitlements, associated risks, and strategies for risk mitigation.

Impact of City Planning

How city planning influences and affects Charles' business operations.

Business Strategy Explained

Charles describes his strategic approach to incorporating vertical components in his business model.

Importance of Due Diligence

Emphasis on the crucial role of due diligence in land development and construction.

Innovative Thinking

How Charles applies outside-the-box thinking to overcome challenges and innovate within the industry.

Connect with Madhavi

How to connect with Charles

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