Think Outside The Stocks

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Our Mission

To change the financial trajectory of one family at a time and thousands more to go!
Are you going to be part of this VISION?

Our Values



Simplified Passive Investments

Our Focus: Investors First!

Thorough Partner Verification: Best-In Class

Conservative Evaluation Criteria

True Diversification Across RE

Think Outside the Stocks is a private equity investment firm focusing on commercial real estate and other risk-managed, recession resistant investments and FREE investor education. We help high-skilled immigrants to invest in direct, vetted, high-quality investments and generate multiple streams of passive income, so they can move closer to financial freedom.

About Madhavi

Madhavi (pronounced as Math-vee) is the President of Think Outside the Stocks. Madhavi lives in Austin, Texas with her husband Peyoosh, nineteen year old daughter and fourteen year old son.

She has experience of 16+ years in the IT industry mostly with one of the top 5 consulting firms. Her excellent analytical skills, mathematics background, project management experience and out of the box thinking lays a solid foundation for evaluating and reviewing investment opportunities based on tangible parameters.

After her sudden corporate exit in 2015, she started her Financial Freedom journey in the reverse order. She created a real estate portfolio of single family rentals and Airbnb (valued at ~$1.5M). Soon realizing the lack of scalability, she expanded her passive investments to multifamily by unlocking industry’s best kept secret, Syndicated Real Estate. She has 1500+ units of passive multifamily investments in emerging markets across multiple states in the country.

With a passion to bring strategies she learned to the high-skilled immigrant community that has been working hard but unaware of how the wealthy invest in this country, she founded Think Outside the Stocks, a private equity firm focused on commercial real estate. As an active syndicator, she has a multifamily portfolio of ~790 units, $170+ Million in value, by forming strategic syndicated partnerships, where she has helped busy professionals to participate alongside her to create risk-managed passive returns and diversify outside of the stock market.

Madhavi’s Investment Philosophy

Madhavi is extremely passionate about educating and growing with community by sharing investment knowledge with busy professionals who had been working hard balancing their work and personal family life, just like she did, and wants to help them to make their money work hard for them instead.

She encourages sharing of investment knowledge within the community, so as a community we don’t end up making the same mistakes and take advantage of each other’s rich experiences.


She wants to make a difference by bringing solid investment education to women and encourages them to take a leap into investment journey for their financial independence. She believes when you change a woman you change a complete household. Living life of choices to focus on true passion and purpose, not based on reasons of financial responsibilities.

Madhavi also trusts that today’s youth have extraordinary intellectual and financial ability to understand and invest in powerful passive investments; crucial financial knowledge that our educational institutions fail to provide. By understanding and utilizing these tools they can get a head start on passive income and start working on replacing their income to gain financial independence earlier and focus on much larger passions and objectives in their lives.


Which alternative investment
is right for you?

Register for a Free eGuide of “Earning multiple streams of PASSIVE INCOME with Real Estate SYNDICATION”


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Active Cashflow with
Passive Real Estate Investments

What our investors say?

TOTS Website



Active Multifamily Syndicator 650+ Units $145 MM



Landed in US



Started working in IT industry



Corporate Exit from Top 5 Consulting



Airbnb & Rental RE Portfolio (~$1.5M)



Passive Syndications 1500+ units