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Exploring Investment Opportunities in the Mobile Home Park Industry with Frank Rolfe
Have you ever considered venturing into the often-overlooked yet surprisingly lucrative world of mobile home park investing? In this episode, I am joined by industry expert, coach, mentor to thousands, Frank Rolfe. He reveals the unique advantages of this niche market, like the scarcity and competitive moat of mobile home parks, making them a desirable investment option. We discuss the potential impact of economic fluctuations, high-interest rates, and changing financing options on this industry and even with these challenges, how this could be a still viable option. Join us as we delve into the realm of alternative investing to talk about “Mobile Home Parks” a surprisingly lucrative option to invest and the of diversifying your portfolio.

Who is Frank?

Frank Rolfe has been an investor in mobile home parks for almost two decades, owning and operating hundreds of mobile home parks during that time. He is currently ranked, with his partner Dave Reynolds, as the 5th largest mobile home park owner in the U.S., with over 250 communities spread out over 25 states. But it all began with one mobile home park, Glenhaven, in Dallas, Texas. With his success with Glenhaven, Frank continued to buy more mobile home parks, focusing on parks that had good locations but were terribly managed.

Advantages of Mobile Home Parks

Highlights the benefits of investing in mobile home parks, noting their affordability and low tenant turnover.

Investor Considerations

Key factors that potential investors should evaluate when considering mobile home parks.

Industry Challenges

An examination of the challenges and uncertainties within the mobile home sector.

Rent Control Issues

Discusses the impact of rent control on the mobile home park industry and its implications for investors

Industry Outlook

Frank Rolfe shares his insights on the future trends and developments expected in the mobile home park industry.

Investment Strategy

How Frank diversifies his investments beyond traditional stocks.

Connecting with Frank

Information on how to contact Frank Rolfe for further details and inquiries.

Connect with Madhavi

How to connect with Frank

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