Think Outside The Stocks

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Think Outside The Stocks: Trailer
Think Outside The Stocks
Welcome to the very first episode of Think Outside The Stocks podcast hosted by Madhavi Jain; this episode focuses on:

1 About you:
Why you are here and what are your biggest pain points

2 About Madhavi:
Her story and struggles and why she formed Think Outside the Stocks

3 About the podcast:
Peek into Madhavi’s plan is to educate while discussing with industry experts about multiple diversified options in commercial real estate and an efficient savings strategy, Infinity Banking systems, as well as taxes and legal information to grow, preserve, protect and pass your generational wealth


This podcast is for pure education and information purposes only, not an investment opportunity or financial advice. Should you wish to participate in one of our guests directly, please do your own due diligence and consult your tax, legal or financial advisor team as needed To learn more about creating Active Cashflow with Passive Real Estate Investments, visit and start learning the ways of the wealthy.

Host Introduction

Discover why you're here and explore your biggest financial challenges.

About Madhavi Jain

Learn Madhavi's personal journey, her struggles, and what inspired her to create the Think Outside the Stocks podcast.

Podcast Goals

Get insights into the podcast's focus on educating listeners through discussions with experts on commercial real estate, Infinity Banking systems, and essential tax and legal knowledge to help grow, preserve, and transfer generational wealth.

Learn More

For insights into creating active cash flow through passive real estate investments, visit Think Outside the Stocks.

Connect with Madhavi

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