Think Outside The Stocks

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Why Should You ThinkOutsideTheStocks? Short Course: Active Cashflow with Passive Real Estate Investments
Think Outside The Stocks
Welcome to ThinkOutsideTheStocks with your host Madhavi Jain. In our 2nd episode, we will start your educational journey with a very simple and step-by-step course on Active Cash Flow with Passive Commercial Real Estate investments.

In this first module, episode 2, Madhavi will focus on Why you should Think Outside The Stocks, she also shares her journey as a first-generation immigrant from India, landing a great job and then losing it in 2008, along with her primary home, restarting all over again, and eventually putting her corporate career to a screeching halt in 2015. This is when she found her path in the commercial real estate industry. She shares how she is passionate about sharing her successes and failures with her community and aims to help every hard-working family to achieve active cash flow through passive investment. She encourages listeners to change the perspective from passive income and financial freedom to a more holistic approach to grow, preserve, protect and pass generational wealth.

This short course will be combined in episodes 2, 3, 5, 6, and 8

If you are a visual person and want to see the course in presentation mode, please access the FREE Membership of our growing educational library, at our website


This podcast is for pure education and information purposes only, not an investment opportunity or financial advice. Should you wish to participate in one of our guests directly, please do your own due diligence and consult your tax, legal or financial advisor team as needed

To learn more about creating Active Cashflow with Passive Real Estate Investments, visit and start learning the ways of the wealthy.  

Episode Theme

Explore the reasons to diversify beyond traditional stock investments with host Madhavi Jain.

Host's Journey

Hear Madhavi's story as a first-generation immigrant from India, her initial success, the setback of losing her job and primary home in 2008, and her transformative decision to leave her corporate career in 2015 for the commercial real estate sector.

Industry Insights

Learn from Madhavi's personal experiences of successes and challenges in the commercial real estate industry, illustrating her dedication to sharing valuable lessons with the community.

Investment Philosophy

Madhavi discusses her passion for helping hard-working families achieve financial stability through active cash flow from passive investments.

Holistic Wealth Approach

Be inspired to adopt a broader perspective on wealth, focusing not just on financial freedom and passive income but on strategies to grow, preserve, protect, and transfer generational wealth.

Course Structure

This episode is part of a short course spanning Episodes 2, 3, 5, 6, and 8, providing a comprehensive look at innovative investment strategies and personal wealth management.

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